Chega de ser macaco de auditório!

Chega de ser macaco de auditório!

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

"Give up Bad design for good"

A Bodum (empresa Dinamarques de acessórios e utilidades de cozinha) está com um catálogo de cair o queixo e seu encarte para café está uma loucura !

A variedade é tão grande que em seu grupo de pressers tem até uma que leva o nome de BRAZIL, WOW!

(Presser Bodum da linha Brazil)

Curiosidade: A primeira French Presser da BODUM chamava The santos (será que era por causa do Porto de santos e da Bolsa do café?)

  • Um gostinho:

The Art of Coffe making

“Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.”

With this, Talleyrand, the 18th century French diplomat, was not

describing a woman but his concept of good coffee. There are

many different ways to brew a wonderful cup of coffee, but

each and everyone of them must follow a few

fundamental rules: Use fresh roast coffee

and grind it as close to the moment you

wish to brew as possible. If you

have to store coffee, be sure to use an

absolutely airtight container and

keep it in a cool place, preferably the refrigerator

or freezer. Use enough grounds –

for instance 4 level tablespoons for a large

mug. Rinse your coffee maker with hot

water before you brew. Use fresh and

pleasant tasting water and let the cold water run for a while before

filling the water kettle. If you brew with hard water, use a little more

ground coffee. Pour the water very hot but not boiling. And now

the most important rule of them all: Enjoy.

I love it !!!

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